心脏康复中心ilitation and 戒烟

吸烟会增加患 冠心病 以及许多其他慢性疾病. If you already have heart disease, you may think, "What good will it do me to quit smoking now?“它可以做很多好事. Heart disease can be prevented and controlled by following your treatment plan, 包括戒烟.

了解更多关于 吸烟与心脏病.

Download our patient information sheet: How Can I Quit Smoking?: 英语(PDF)| 西班牙语(PDF)


祝贺你! Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your overall health and add years to your life. People who quit smoking generally live longer than people who continue to smoke. You’re more likely to quit smoking for good if you 准备 原因有两点:

  • 你最后一支烟
  • The cravings, urges and feelings that come with quitting



Choose a date within the next seven days when you’ll quit smoking. Use the time until your quit day to 准备 and to gradually cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke.


戒烟有三种方法. Choose the method or combination you think will work best for you.

  • "Cold turkey": Stop smoking all at once on your quit day. This method doesn't prolong the quitting process.
  • Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day until you stop smoking completely. For example, if you smoke 20 cigarettes each day now, cut down to 10 per day for two or three days. Then cut down to five cigarettes for two or three days. 在你的戒烟日,彻底戒烟.
  • 每支香烟只抽一部分. It helps to count how many puffs you take from each cigarette and reduce the number every two or three days. 在你的戒烟日,彻底戒烟.

Step 3: Decide if you need medications to help you quit

Sometimes medications can help make your first few weeks easier. A nicotine replacement medication (gum, spray, patch or inhaler) may help you stop smoking.

There are also non-nicotine replacement medications, 瓦伦尼克兰或安非他酮, 这有助于抑制你的戒断症状. 

  • 在服用这些药物时, if you experience any serious and unusual changes in mood or behavior or feel like hurting yourself or someone else, you should call your health care professional right away.
  • Friends or family members who notice these changes in behavior in someone who is taking 瓦伦尼克兰或安非他酮 for smoking cessation should tell the person their concerns and recommend that they call a health care professional right away.

Medications are most helpful when they’re used correctly and combined with a behavior-modification programs. Talk to your health care professional about which medication might be best for you and get instructions about how to use it.


Use this checklist on the day before your quit day. If you can check off all three items, you're well 准备d.

____ I have healthy foods to eat when I quit smoking, such as:

  • 新鲜的水果
  • 新鲜的蔬菜
  • 无糖硬糖
  • 无糖口香糖
  • Other foods I like: _______________________________

____ Each day I don’t smoke, I plan to mark my success with one of these activities:

  • 看电影
  • 拜访我的朋友
  • 散散步
  • 培养一个爱好
  • Do other activities I enjoy: __________________________

____ I got rid of every cigarette, match, lighter, ashtray and butt from my house and car.


Congratulate yourself for taking a huge step toward better health!

只要你辞职, 血液循环加快, your blood pressure and heart rate quickly improve, and the carbon monoxide and oxygen levels in your blood soon return to normal.

在辞职后的几天内, your breathing becomes easier and your senses of smell and taste improve.

Your urges to smoke should decrease daily after you quit smoking.

Get a calendar and every day mark the number of days since you've had a cigarette. 随着欧洲杯压球的流逝, you'll see how much time you have invested in quitting — one more reason to stay smoke free.

如果你需要,可以获得更多的个性化帮助. 戒烟从来都不容易. 如果你有麻烦, 问问你的医生, nurse or rehab center staff about more intensive programs to help you. Contact or visit the websites of the American Cancer Society or American Lung Association to get information about group programs.

The 美国心脏协会 has a wealth of information about 戒烟, including a more detailed list of benefits and tools to help you kick the habit.