


A congenital heart defect (CHD) is a structural problem with the heart that’s present at birth. Such defects result when a mishap occurs during heart development soon after conception – often before the mother is aware that she is pregnant.

Such problems may or may not have a disruptive effect on a person’s circulatory system. But having a congenital heart defect can increase your risk of developing certain medical conditions.


To underst和 congenital heart defects, it’s helpful to remember how the heart is meant to function.

正常的心脏有瓣膜, arteries 和 chambers that circulate blood in a recurring pattern: body to heart, 心对肺, 肺到心脏,然后心脏到身体. When all the chambers 和 valves work correctly, 血液被泵入心脏, 为肺部提供氧气, back to the heart 和 then throughout the body to deliver that oxygen. When valves, chambers, arteries 和 veins are malformed, this circulation pattern can be impaired.

Congenital heart defects range in severity from simple problems, 比如心脏腔室之间的“洞”, 到严重的畸形, such as the complete absence of one or more chambers or valves.


A congenital heart defect can increase your risk for certain medical conditions, including:



不,但大多数都是. There are three general categories of possible childhood heart problems: structural defects, acquired damage 和 heart rhythm disturbances. These defects are usually, but not always, diagnosed early in life.

Children also can be born with or develop heart rate problems such as slow, 心跳过快或不规律, 被称为“心律失常.”

很少, childhood heart problems are not present at birth. Instead, heart damage may occur during childhood due to infection. This type of heart disease is called “acquired.这类后天问题的例子包括 川崎病 和 风湿热(PDF).

Who is at risk to have a child with a congenital heart defect?

Anyone can have a child with a congenital heart defect. Out of 1,000年出生, at least eight babies will have some form of congenital heart disorder, 大多数是轻微的. If you or other family members have already had a baby with a heart defect, your risk of having a baby with a heart defect may be higher.


大多数时候,原因是未知的. Although the reason defects occur is presumed to be genetic, only a few genes have been discovered that have been linked to heart defects.

很少, the ingestion of some drugs 和 the occurrence of some infections during pregnancy can cause defects.

How can I tell if my baby or child has a congenital heart defect?

Severe heart disorders generally become evident during the first few months after birth. Some babies are blue or have very low blood pressure shortly after birth. Other defects cause breathing difficulties, feeding problems or poor weight gain.

Minor defects are most often diagnosed during a routine medical checkup. 轻微的缺陷很少引起症状. 虽然大多数 心脏杂音  in children are normal, some may be due to defects.

How well can people with congenital heart defects function?

Virtually all children with simple defects survive into adulthood. Although exercise capacity may be limited, most people lead normal or nearly normal lives.

With more complex problems, limitations are common. Some children with congenital heart defects have developmental delay or other learning difficulties.

What is the social/financial impact of congenital heart defects?

Successful treatment requires highly specialized care. Treatment for severe congenital heart defects requires extensive financial resources, including the costs associated with hospitalization.

Children with developmental delays also require community- 和 school-based resources to achieve their full potential.

What is the impact of congenital heart disease on families?

A serious congenital heart defect can put an enormous emotional 和 financial strain on young families at a vulnerable time.

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